Hello Friends, Momma and I have decided that perhaps I should have my own blog. To share with you the life of a senior rescued dog and foster brother.
Once upon a time I too was rescue (by my Momma and Auntie Lisa), and I wasn't in the best shape in my heart and my head and my body.
The rescue helped make me better. But being an older gent there wasn't much interest in adopting me, so I waited and waited, so patiently. I moved around to a few houses (I liked them all and would have happily stayed at any of them) but everyone had a reason why they couldn't keep me.
My last move was to my Momma's house (we just didn't know that she was going to be my forever Momma at first). And while I was there I started to show my age and some of my "germs". I have what is called an Auto Immune disorder, but not to worry, it's not the dangerous kind . . . (yet). It makes my nose all swelly and snorfy inside, and it makes my body all lumpy and bumpy. BUT, I have a fantastic vet who loves me and looks after me and all looks good for me to share my stories and wisdom for much time to come.
oh, and the medicines I'm on to help me breathe from my nose have made me a bit, well, see, potatoe like (ahem) . . .ah well. |
You may remember me in the "blogisphere" from when the House Hippo was staying with us
and had a blog of his own. That is how I came to be known as "BestFriendQuinn" (or BestFriend for short), because of how I behave with the dogs that visit us but don't stay forever. Now don't worry, I do have 2 dogs that live with me forever right now (more on them later for sure), but it is a very important job being a foster brother Momma says. to be a BestFriend and help the dogs that come from the noisey and scary place and need to get healthy and happy and what they need to know to go and get a forever family of their own.
I can tell by what happened this morning, that it is time to foster again
(quiet old dog happy dance, okay, not really, noisy thumping happy dance because I still act like a puppy when things excite me!)
LOOK! I can tell by the collar it's going to be a girl dog! I bet she's as pretty as my sisters are . . .
So now I wait. Momma has had the usual "talks" with me, using that tone of voice, and slipping me an extra cookie or two, that lets me know this dog is going to be very special, and need lots of help from me. I wonder if she snores like I do?
The dog coming to stay with Quinn and his sisters is Poe. To see how her journey began you can read the post on
Ador-A-Bull Dog Rescue's facebook fan page.